
Senate Hearing Focuses on Threat of Sea Level Rise
Published 4/19/12
New Report: Sea Level Rise Threatens Hundreds of U.S. Energy Facilities (PDF) Watch: Ben Strauss' Senate Testimony Watch: Archived webcast of Senate hearing Read: Ben Strauss' Senate testimony Read: Senate testimony of five witnesses By Andrew Freedman Sea level rise poses an increasingly grave threat to coastal energy facilities and communities during the course of the next several decades, with some impacts already evident, according to testimony delivered Thursday before a rare Senate hearing on climate science. The hearing, held by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, focused on the challenges posed by sea level rise,… More »
Senate Testimony on Sea Level Rise by Climate Central’s Ben Strauss
Published 4/19/12
Testimony for Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, April 19, 2012 Presented by Benjamin H. Strauss New Report: Sea Level Rise Threatens Hundreds of U.S. Energy Facilities (PDF) News: Senate Hearing Focuses on Threat of Sea Level Rise Watch: Archived webcast of Senate hearing Read: Senate testimony of five witnesses Good morning, Senator Bingaman and colleagues. Thank you for your attention to this important topic. I am Dr. Ben Strauss, coauthor of two recent peer-reviewed papers making an assessment of sea level risk to the lower 48 states, as well as the summary report submitted with my written testimony. I… More »
Sea Level Rise Threatens Hundreds of U.S. Energy Facilities
Published 4/18/12
New Report: Sea Level Rise Threatens Hundreds of U.S. Energy Facilities (PDF) News: Senate Hearing Focuses on Threat of Sea Level Rise Watch: Archived webcast of Senate hearing Read: Ben Strauss' Senate testimony Read: Senate testimony of five witnesses Description: Coastal energy facilities threatened by sea level rise and coastal flooding. Date: April 19, 2012 Full PDF of Report Summary: Sea level rise from global warming is well on the way to doubling the risk of coastal floods 4 feet or more over high tide by 2030 at locations nationwide. In the lower 48 states, nearly 300 energy facilities stand on land… More »
Senate Hearing on Thursday for Sea Level Rise
Published 4/18/12
By Climate Central New Report: Sea Level Rise Threatens Hundreds of U.S. Energy Facilities (PDF) News: Senate Hearing Focuses on Threat of Sea Level Rise Watch: Archived webcast of Senate hearing Read: Ben Strauss' Senate testimony Read: Senate testimony of five witnesses Politicians don’t talk much about climate change these days, but Thursday will be an exception. The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, chaired by Jeff Bingaman (D, N.M), will hold hearings into the impact of sea level rise on U.S. infrastructure. The significance of these impacts has become increasingly… More »
Florida and the Rising Sea
Published 4/16/12
By Ben Strauss Note: First published in the Miami Herald Florida is in the crosshairs of climate change. Rising seas, a population crowded along the coast, porous bedrock, and the relatively common occurrence of tropical storms put more real estate and people at risk from storm surges aggravated by sea level rise in Florida, than any other state by far. Some 2.4 million people and 1.3 million homes, nearly half the risk nationwide, sit within 4 feet of the local high tide line. Sea level rise is more than doubling the risk of a storm surge at this level in South Florida by 2030.… More »