Surging Seas Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

Sea Level Rise & Social Vulnerability Training Workshops

Completed Training Workshops

Climate Central's Program on Sea Level Rise works jointly with the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice (ECJ) Program and local partners to conduct trainings on sea level rise, coastal flood risk, and social vulnerability.

These training workshops provide NAACP environmental leaders, NAACP branch presidents, and other stakeholders with information, tools, and science regarding the risks posed by rising seas and coastal flooding. Additionally, each workshop connects attendees with resources and experts available to them in their states or communities as they work to prepare for sea level rise and coastal flood risk.

Presenters have included officials from NOAA, Sea Grant, FEMA, NAACP, and Climate Central as well as leading scientists, state/county/municipal planners, and resilience officers. Attendees participate in interactive demonstrations of sea level rise and coastal flood web tools by Climate Central, NOAA, and others. Many training workshops have included planning sessions in which attendees build out their own local level action plans.

Funding to support Climate Central's workshop efforts is provided by the Kresge Foundation and other foundations.

For more information contact us at sealevel@climatecentral.orgView Surging Seas Case Studies and Events