Personal Sea Level Rise Calculator
Use the Widget below to get projections of sea level rise -- where you live, and during your lifetime.* Then step in the ocean until you’re that deep, have a friend snap a photo, and share it with us, plus all your facebook and twitter friends (#MySeaRise). The image on this page is an example photo. You can compare low, middle, and high scenarios, which correspond to less or more future greenhouse emissions, and good or bad luck. Share with Climate Central by uploading photos on our story page, and please be sure to include your zip or city. Over time, we plan to build a virtual national mural with every age, size, shape, color and place represented, and featuring our favorite photos. Please contribute! We believe this is the world’s first personal sea level rise projector.
Projections are based on peer-reviewed methods described and referenced in the Surging Seas report, and which combine projections of global rise from global warming, together with local contributions from sinking (or, in a few places, rising) land and other factors.
*The expected years left in your life, according to U.S. statistics based on gender and age.
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